One man's oyster is another man's pearl (or in my apartment it's one cat's poop is another dog's snack)

Yes, that's right. I just caught my dog Beenie eating my roommates cat's feces. I heard this strange sound I had never heard before, but I had just seen Beenie walk out of the bedroom with one of her favorite stuffed toy so I thought she was taking out its stuffing (she has destroyed all of her toys this way). However after a couple of minutes I got suspicious because she wasn't moving around a lot like she usually does when she tears something apart...... I peer around the corner and see her chewing on CAT POOP!!!!!

Oh my goodness I nearly vomited in my mouth. How horrifying! My sweet well mannered dog has never eaten cat poop before, why must she start now?!? I just had to share this with you, my internet friend because there is nobody else around to listen. What's a girl to do? I of course Googled (yes, that's now considered a proper verb... coming to a Miriam Webster near you) "dog eat cat poop" and apparently it's a regularly occurring phenomenon. Well, maybe now I finally have the excuse I need to get the darn litter box out of the hall where it stinks up the entire apartment after each deposit. TMI. Yep, that's me.

In case you are in denial about your own dog's problem, you can click on this link to read more about your options to stop this disgusting habit.


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